Bosses With Obvious Weak Spots
Okay listen developers, this isn't the 90s anymore we don't need bosses to have their weak points pointed at right in our faces it's almost insulting to gamers intelligence, we're not stupid we can figure it out. I'm looking at you Nintendo.
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It took me months to realize how to beat it, dam you subtle Nintendo. |
Cutscene Events
We've all been there, a cutscenes on so we relax, put the controller to the side and watch, all of a sudden BANG, press (insert some random controller button).
Oh no what happened were you not ready for that and you died cause you didn't react within the 1/8th of a second it gave you to press it. No of course you weren't nobody ever is, it ruins a game when you can't watch a cutscene as you look all over the screen for this one random trigger event button you're required to press because you died the first time and now you can't get the story. Resident Evil !
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It's not enough it happened so suddenly but now we gotta keep pressing it. |
Fallen One Attacks
Fallen attacks happen in RPG games mainly it consists of the boss using a over the top move (you know the ones where they tend to destroy a planet in a cutscene that takes about a minute every time they do it, and you can't skip it) which leave you with one hp left, I hate this because there's two options:
1. Keep fighting
2. You are meant to die in this battle
The problem is that you don't know what one it is so you either keep fighting and use all your items when you were meant to die. Or, you willingly die only for you to get a game over and have to start again.
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Do I die or do I fight? DO I DIE OR DO I FIGHT ! |
Game Over Screens
It's not the fact I died that I hate them, I just loathe the ones that give you no option to retry, they simple state Game Over, put you back to the start screen only to have you watch a loading screen then start way back from where ever you last saved it which could be hours back, why is that a good thing developers? it's really simple to make it have a retry option.
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It may mock you but it has a retry option. |
Losing Abilities
I HATE games that start off with your character having everything, letting you get use to it, then taking it away like taking a toy from a child. It's awful, not only does it make most of the game about getting them back, it also makes you feel alot weaker as enemies that you could easily kill off now become stronger than you .... It's so pointless, sometimes even the way you lose your abilities are pathetic, look at metroid prime you lose them simply by being thrown into a wall, how does that even make sense ?
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So obvious weak spots and losing abilities, you're doing well Nintendo. |
Random Final Bosses
Final bosses in games always have a build up to it, allowing you to take it in and prepare yourself, but that's not always the case, in some games the final boss will start without any build up or warning making you wonder if it's really the final boss, if you die too bad you probably didn't think to save it so you could be miles back and I bet you didn't stock up on items either, no why would you, you didn't think the end was near did you it gave no indication?
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Where the hell did you come from Necron? |
Repeating Sections
Just because I enjoy a part from a game it doesn't mean I want that segment to come back again later on. Worst offenders, Super Smash Bros Brawl, it has you playing the entire game all over again near the end of it, that ain't fun. Also lot's of games tend to have the character face EVERY boss again before the final one ... Why? I already did it I don't want to do it again. Okami, you made me fight a boss three friggen times in one game, as if two times isn't enough.
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You could at least vary it's strategy. |
Repetitive One Liners
Zelda: Hey! Listen.
Resident Evil: Leon.
Shadow the Hedgehog: You know what they say. The more the merrier.
For those of you who have played one of the above you know what I'm talking about, games where a character constantly says the same lines over and over again.
For those of you who have played one of the above you know what I'm talking about, games where a character constantly says the same lines over and over again.
For those of you who have played one of the above you know what I'm talking about, games where a character constantly says the same lines over and over again.
For those of you who have played one of the above you know what I'm talking about, games where a character constantly says the same lines over and over again.
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Go .... Away .... NAVI !!!! |
Survival Missions
Not to be confused with survival games, I hate survival missions, they appear all of a sudden, having you being attack all around you, didn't give you a chance to save, and oh yes makes you use all of your ammo then you run everywhere looking for some while being attacked from everywhere still ... Ah, it's easy to do oh wait no it's not, and then if you do survive it all which takes for god knows how long you have no more ammo or items of healing as you used them all making the rest of the game alot harder as all the time you spent getting stocked up has vanished within minutes. Genius.
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Hope you aren't planning on completing this game with ammo to spare. |
Underwater Levels
Why god why are these put into games? the changes in the physics are never for the better, the gravity is changed under water which can take time to adjust the characters new limits, you move alot slower, and the laws of physics don't seem to apply (you float in water but not in the games somehow), these are always without doubt the most frustrating levels in any game. Period.
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Am I right in saying everyone hated this? |
This is true I hate water levels because all the physics that I once had aren't there anymore. Especially In the legend of Zelda, I always hate the water temples because I cant really grave or move well. On another topic Repeating Boss fights are not meant to be there. The boss fights have no meaning their just a way to get you tired out, or wait for the real boss fight I hate it.
ReplyDeleteAnyways I enjoyed this Top ten things that you hate in video games and I hope to see more :D
-The ScareCrow Pixel