Black Swan (2010)
The story follows Nina, a young ballet dancer who plays both roles in "Swan Lake", Odette the white swan which is very much like herself, and Odile the black swan, which is the person she begins to slowly change into throughout the film.
This film is a real thought-provoker as we come to learn all that can go wrong with each and every one of us.
Clockwork Orange, A (1971)
Set in a dystopian future we follow Alex a young criminal jailed for his crimes, upon hearing of the chance for an early release he opts in for an experimental procedure where his free will is altered and anything that is violent or sexual based will force-ably make him feel ill at ease.
With high violent and sexual scene "A, Clockwork Orange" was a revolutionary film in it's time and has since became a cult classic.
Donnie Darko (2001)
A little bit of a mind trip, okay a huge mind trip, "Donnie Darko" is about a teenager who, after surviving a bizzare accident is introduced to a man wearing a bunny costume known as Frank, who tells Donnie the date and time that the world will end, and it is up to Donnie to figure out what to do.
This film, with a complex storyline, is another cult classic through it's subtle and vague explanations and its use of exploration of the mind.
Evil Dead (1981)

Hot Fuzz (2007)
The second film in the blood and ice cream trilogy follows Nicholas a police officer who has been relocated to the country side, however the peaceful village it was defined as has a dark secret as people are being murdered and disguised as accidents.
With a cast of dis-functioning characters and a cleverly written script, "Hot Fuzz" shows us how brilliant British films can be and what potential it has.
Labyrinth (1986)

With memorable music numbers and a creative cast "Labyrinth" surely is one for the ages.
Scott Pilgrim vs. the World (2010)
Based on the hit manga, we follow Scott in his attempt to woo his crush Ramona, but in order to get with her he must defeat her 7 ex's who have teamed up to stop him from being with her.
Taking a retro video game aspect to it "Scott Pilgrim" is a unique film experience that any game lover should watch at least once.
Series of Unfortunate Events., A (2004)
It tried to be the rival of the "Harry Potter" films, however it did not gain enough attention or awareness in order to succeed and as a result it has been often been called a hidden gem. The film follows three orphans who start life anew with their uncle, however he only takes them in so he can claim their fortune for himself, being rumbled the children move and stay with another family member however Count Olaf tracks them down and is persistent in being their legal guardian.
Shaun of the Dead (2004)
The first in the blood and ice cream trilogy, "Shaun of the Dead" tells us the story of an unmotivated man who is stuck in a rut, where upon he finds himself taking leader in his group after the city turns zombie infested, from this he gathers his friends and family and attempts to find a safe haven to stay until help arrives.
The horror/comedy collaboration works perfectly in this film with many memorable moments and easter eggs, "Shaun of the Dead" has since became a modern classic.
Spirited Away (2001)
Spirited Away is like a fairy-tail gone horrible wrong, a young girl through terrible circumstances is forced to work for a witch at a bath house for the Gods and spirits, it is here where she meets interesting and eccentric people through which she befriends as they help her towards going back home.
This animation is really one for all ages as it is touching as it is visually beautiful.
Suspiria (1977)
When it comes to horror films most of them use low lighting and dark tones, "Suspiria" however goes against this, full of light and colour this Italian horror flick tells the story of Suzy Banyon an American ballet being transferred to a new ballet school located in Germany upon arriving bizarre incidents and deaths begin to occur, leading her to believe that something else is at work within the school.
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